Monday 4 November 2013

CDDA - Life Drawing - Pastels

 This week in life drawing I used pastels. Having little to no experience with the medium, the exercises proved difficult but more rewarding than using my normal choice of pencil. We started off with 4 different 10 minute poses centered around a magic ball of sorts. As you can see with my top piece of art I struggled initially to get the lines I wanted but as you go down the page I become more comfortable with the pastels eventually ending with a picture with a range of shading which I was very happy with.

We repeated the task after this but with only 5 minutes per picture and we were told to try and use 2 different colours for light and dark. The action set was based around 2 small swords. The first image I did not have time to add any red but after this I managed to do the task and learnt a few things. First of all was to pick 2 colours which go together better than green and red which does not give a good image effect. As for the horse head, it was Halloween and our model wanted to get into the spirit of things.  

We ended with a 30 minute pose. I did this larger than most of my art on A3 paper. Again we were told to put a lot of emphasis on light and dark by using 2 different colours. I chose a dark blue for the shadow and a light yellow for highlights and feel that these go together a LOT better than green and red. The exercise was very interesting and I like the end result I had. I did the line work very quickly so I could get a good amount of time on the colours and this shows a little but it is worth it for the effect of the colours. I really like how all this came out in the end.

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