Wednesday 13 November 2013

CDDA Colour Schemes

Today I worked on some colour schemes for my character using colour charts and different kinds of colour schemes. First I researched a few different colour schemes but the ones I decided to try and use were analogous colours and complementary colours. My first style was analogous colours using orange to yellow. I started here because I have always envisioned the apron as being a shade of brown and figured I should start there. I like the apron, boots and trousers but the shirt is horrible and I feel the trousers and apron are a little too similar colours. 

Next I tried another set of complementary colours, green and purple. I chose these because I thought purple could work well for the shirt or trousers and green could be a possible choice for the apron. Sadly they came out badly and won't be considered. The boots I tried a gradient effect on the scales which I thought was interesting and considers further thought. 

I then tried a pair of analogous colours with the apron and shirt matching up, red and orange (brown), and the trousers and boots, blue-green and blue. This was more effective than any of my previous designs despite not being great colours. I liked the mix of colours, thinking that it makes the image more interesting to the eye. I also quite liked the red of the apron though think that it should be on a different part of clothing.

Next I tried a pair of complementary colours. The shirt and boots, purple and yellow, and apron and boots, orange (brown) and blue - green. This was interesting and the colours seemed to fit quite well.

This colour scheme was a mistake. It features complementary colours between the boots and both the apron and the trousers and then analogous colours between the boots and the apron. This happened by accident when I got a little confused with the colour wheel and I don't like the result at all.

On my chosen colour scheme I used a set of analogous colours, yellow, red and orange. This was surprising to me as I really liked the combinations of complementary colours in my previous images but this combination really works for me. It has the brown in the apron which I wanted, the red which I like in the shirt, dark trousers and the golden boots. The colour scheme is simple but then the character is only a blacksmith working for a race under siege, he is not a rich man with a large choice of wardrobe. I really like this design and learned a lot about coming up with colour schemes for objects which will doubtlessly help me again in the future.  

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