Thursday 21 November 2013

CDDA - Artist Research

This is some research into a few artists who I really like and have come across recently and not so recently. 

Frank Franzetta

I came across Franzetta’s work by chance whilst reading a digital art magazine in an article based off using some of his own methods. The magazine article was discussing some of the great things in his work. He has a wide variety of work mediums to start with: having produced comics, paintings, album covers and many sketches among other things. What most attracts me out of his work is his use of light and dark, particularly in his ink artwork and paintings. The lighting combined with the composition tends to give the viewer a great feel for what the atmosphere and emotions in the paintings are. His work can capture the drama of a scene perfectly.

Bao Pham

Another artist I came across in tutorials except this time written by himself using his own art. He has some brilliant artwork and the actual contents of the paintings are what attract me so much. He comes up with many fantasy ideas and delivers them beautifully. Colours in the paintings are brilliant, sometimes featuring high contrast whilst other times characters almost fade into the background. His original fantasy designs are my favourite works of his though, featuring monsters he has created and fresh takes on the existing.

Mathias Kollros

I came across Kollros whilst browsing on DeviantART about a year ago. He creates fantasy art and has done work for Wizards of the Coast, Warhammer and freelance work. I really like the detail he gets into his images and his backgrounds are done really well, fitting the image perfectly. The textures of his work and all their details are done really well, something which I would like to try and imitate one day in my own work.

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