Tuesday 19 November 2013

CDDA - Character Pose

After contemplating my previous poses and taking into account my friends opinions and criticisms on them I decided to choose the top left of my three poses but wanted to make some changes. My friends said that you couldn't see enough of him (my character)  in the pose as a lot of him was in shadow. I decided to turn the camera on the same pose a bit and change his stance a little. From here you see more of the blacksmith and less is in shadow. Whilst I like this I still want lots of contrast in the pose to make it interesting. Much of my character is still in shadow whilst others are brightly lit by the brazier nearby. I also would need to sort out the anvil slightly as I originally drew my character too tall and had to shorten the whole image. Next I will try to get a basic colour scheme of what the image will have.

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