Monday 14 October 2013

Intro to 3D - Vending Machine Concept Update

Since my last update on my vending machine project, I have made quite a few design changes regarding how it would actually work and function correctly. The first change I addressed was probably the most important, how the bottles dispense and are given to the customer. Before I had a bay underneath the machine that the bottle would fall into. Whilst I like the idea, considering the machine is based off the 1950's when they used glass bottles, it had a flaw in that the bottle itself could have smashed. So to change this I came up with the idea of having the actual buttons dispense bottles. To do this the customer would pay for their drink and then pull the lever next to the button. The button would fold out slightly showing a holder with a bottle in it. This looks nice, won't break the bottle and is more suitable to a machine that is situated on \a bar or table. The next change was a coin slot. This is pretty obvious but I forgot previously as to how the customers would pay. I gave each button its own coin slot partially for aesthetics but also because of how the levers work. Lastly I gave the machine a power source. Again very obvious but something I previously missed. It is simply a wall socket plug coming out the back of the machine. Below you can see my updated blueprints and new perspective artwork that show the changes.  

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