Saturday 7 December 2013

CDDA - Envrionment development

Today I started work towards the completion of my final piece of work needed for my module, my environment beauty shot. Environments are something I have little experience in drawing and creating so I have struggled a bit. I decided to choose a reasonably simplistic idea that I originally had as I did not want to be too ambitious with my design, better to have a simple, well created piece of art than a great idea that is executed poorly. It is essentially a tunnel with a series of pillars on either side. To this original design I have added a back door to it. I also plan to add torches to line the halls. I'm planning to have my vanishing point more central to the image and slightly lower than on my digital version. I also plan to add some small decorations to the image too yet I don't really know what would fit at the moment, the only idea I have is some kind of weapon plaques showcasing the Dwarfs blacksmiths skills. Anyway the environment is developing albeit slowly. 

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