Sunday 8 December 2013

CDDA - Environment base colours

This morning I have completed my base colours for my environment scene. It's pretty simple. I worked alongside my character and prop beauty shots as I want the colours to be similar in a sense as I feel that the Dwarfs would be a very united people and such use a similar colour palette. The pillars are made with a kind of iron/stone hybrid (my prop hammer and pickaxe material), the torch is silver (prop handle) but the shadow has made it look too dark, the gate is gold (prop decoration) and the lettering ruby (as is the writing on my prop). The floor is a kind of light stone, similar to a sand colour, whilst the main path is iron which I plan to have some kind of engraving on. The path has occasional red rugs and the gold diamonds will likely be a similar design to them. Below you can see in order, base colours with base shadow, base colours with both base light and shadow, a pattern I may apply to the iron path and then possible rug patterns. I will next get rid of my linework and then find textures for all the materials (though I may use the same as in my prop). Once that's done I will update on here again. It should be done today and then I plan to try and start neatening up the shadows in the scene first before adding the lit areas and highlights. 

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